
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How many ways can you say ‘I Love You’?

Contemporary Creativity Symposium: 
February 3: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
February 4: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Artists Dana Sperry and Natalya Pinchuk will lead a day and a half long idea generation workshop that asks a simple question: How many different, fresh and unconventional ways can you say “I Love You” with jewelry? Participants will leave this workshop with unusual and unique answers to jewelry design. These answers will be in drawing, writing and primitive model format, acting as fuel for future development. This symposium coincides with the opening of the Transformation 8 exhibition, and participants will include Transformation 8 artists Robert Ebendorf and Daniel DiCaprio. Don't miss this one-time opportunity to learn with some of the leading metalsmiths working in the field today. The cost of this symposium is $150, with a $5 materials fee. To register email or call Sherrard Bostwick at 412.261.7003 x25.

Dana is an Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Digital Media at Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio. His work can be found in major collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, and The Kinsey Institute.

Natalya  earned her MFA in Jewelry Design and Metals from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2005. Her work can be found in the collections of the Stedelijk Museum, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands and the Mint Museum of Craft and Design
Charlotte, NC, as well as numerous publications. Pinchuck also served on the jury panel for Transformation 8: Contemporary Works in Small Metals, opening at SCC in February. 

Natalya and Dana (donning a piece by Natalya)

Friday, December 16, 2011

AAP 101st Annual Exhibition

For the first time ever, Contemporary Craft is hosting the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) Annual Exhibition. AAP is an artist-run organization with over 550 artist members living within a 150 mile radius of Pittsburgh. It is one of the most esteemed artist-member organizations in the country, having produced a major museum exhibition of members’ work every year for over 100 years. I guess this year is the tipping point, being the 101st annual. 

Ron Bayuzick, Art Rover, Chiz Exhibition Award,Mixed Media
This years exhibition was Juried by nationally known artist, designer, independent curator and educator Fo Wilson. AAP’s 101st Annual Exhibition features 45 works, selected from more than 300 submissions, that reflect the intersection of art, craft media and design, which is the intention of this year’s collaboration between AAP and SCC. The exhibition includes many media and presents a strong overview of the variety of techniques and artistic talent within AAP’s membership. 

David Montano, Monument 1 & 2, Carnegie Purchase Award, Mixed media 
The exhibition is on view through January 14th, so be sure to stop on in and take a look, or see the full show online

Jane Ogren, Mixed Media #227, Fiber

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Woven Installations

Ann Coddington Rast is an Associate Professor at Eastern Illinois University. She is also an amazing fiber artist. Working with techniques of twining, basketry, and weaving, she creates gestural sculptures that echo the familiar. By grouping various pieces together, Rast constructs subtle wall installations that evoke a narrative that is felt more than it is understood.  In the installation entitled mother/memory, individual pieces are reminiscent of lovingly knit mittens, gathered sustenance and shelter – all of which come together to induce a visceral reaction, a remembrance of childhood. 



Ann's work will be on view at our Satellite Gallery from December 17 through February 12, 2012. In conjunction with the exhibition, Ann will be teaching a class at SCC. Call or email Sherrard to register, 412-261-7003 x25

Contemporary Twining Basketry workshop
date & time: Saturday, February 11
10 a.m. – 4 p.m (one-hour lunch break)
registration deadline: February 3

In this workshop, the basketry technique of twining will be introduced. Participants will create a sculptural twined form using waxed linen and spring twine. In conjunction with this, we will engage in a discussion on conceptual aspects of contemporary fiber structures. Questions such as these will be addressed in the workshop: What types of forms can be made with twining? What are various methods of starting a twined piece? What are variations on twined stitches? How do artists investigate meaning through fibers? What types of themes are explored? What do you hope your work will communicate?
* Previous knowledge with fibers is helpful, for example knitting, or basketry experience.

tuition: $100
materials fee: $35

